Mentally healthy human beings affected by external and internal factors. Both influence each other and can cause mental illness that can cause mental and psychiatric disease.
A. Internal Factors
Internal factors are factors that comes from within one's self as nature, the talent, the offspring and so on. Examples of such a nature that is the nature of good, evil, Crabby, malice, envy, shy, brave, and so on. An example of talent that is for example a talent for painting, playing music, songwriting, acting, and others. While aspects of such derivatives of emotion, intellect, potential, and so on.
B. External Factors
External factors are factors that are beyond one's self that can affect a person's mental. External environment closest to a human being is the family such as the elderly, children, wife, brother, sister, grandparent, and much more.
Other influential factors of i.e. like legal, political, social, cultural, religious, Government, education, employment, community, and so on. External factors that can keep a person's mental, but the external factors are bad/no good could potentially pose a mentally unhealthy.
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