Sweet star fruit Treat Pain Malaria

Sweet star fruit known favorite of many people. Sweet star fruit comes from the tropics. Some say starfruit is a plant native to Indonesia, but there is also a saying from Malaysia.
As a fruit, sweet star fruit is often eaten directly or made into juice. Many benefits have sweet star fruit, and one of them is the vitamin C content is very high. Vitamin C in sweet starfruit function as antioxidants to boost immunity, so that it can ward off free radicals that are the source of the emergence of cancer cells in the body.
Sweet star fruit also contain pectin that is able to bind cholesterol and bile acids in the intestine and help their spending so that it can reduce blood cholesterol levels and aid digestion. While the high potassium content and low sodium very possible sweet starfruit used as medicine hypertension.In addition to fruit that has many benefits, flowers, leaves and roots of sweet star fruit is also believed to have efficacy for anti-malarial drugs, heartburn, ulcers, rheumatism as well.

Example usage:

1. Enlarged spleen due to malaria- Puree or grated sweet five-star fruit. Boil until boiling. Add honey to taste and drink.

2. Cough due to heatCut the star fruit sehar, chewing slowly. Do it 3-4 times a day or chewed as a cough. 

3. Influenza, sore throat, thrush90-120 grams of puree or grated fresh star fruit, and drinking water feelings as he was detained briefly in the mouth and swallow slowly. Do twice a day. 

4. High CholesterolEating two sweet star fruit is ripe after breakfast and afternoon. 

5. Urinary substandardBoil 30 grams of leaves of fresh star fruit and drink water instead of tea. 

6. CancerFinely minced ¼ handheld starfruit leaves and leaf Ceremai young, young papaya leaves ½, 1 / 3 handful spinach leaves red and two fingers carrots. Squeeze with 1 ½ cups cooking water and three tablespoons of pure honey. Strain and drink ½ cup 3 times a day. 

7. MalariaBrewed 15-24 grams of dried starfruit flower with a cup of water to boil. Drink twice a day. 

8. Bleeding hemorrhoidsEat two fresh sweet star fruit. Do twice a day every morning and evening.

9. Joint pain- Soak the roots of 120 grams in 600 cc of fresh star fruit wine. After a week soaking, take the water and drink 1 cup (± 15ml) a day.

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