How to Maintain Long Fingernails To Stay Healthy

Having long nails, clean and shiny indeed become every woman's desires. The characters are so good at nails healthy nails.

Nail growth is very rapid, approximately 3 mm per month. In order to keep your nails well groomed and not broken, do not forget to always take care of him. Here are tips on proper nail care, as reported from TypeF.

1. Gentle treatment
Nails may look to have a strong structure. For instance, can be spliced ​​and painted over and over again. But the nails also need care, just like your skin. If you want to nail growth is not hampered, one of the best ways is to diligently wash and dry the nails. By soaking the nails, it will make it moist. Do not forget, too, after tanga nails and dry, use a hand lotion that contains lanolin to provide extra moisture.

2. Menikur
Menikur diligently to prevent cracks in the nails. How to smooth the nail with a tool tip Ouval avarice and form. Avoid using nail polish too often, because it contains chemicals that can damage the nail. Also avoid too frequent use of acetone, alcohol content can make your nails dry.

3. Nail extensions
Short nails are healthier. If you want to lengthen the nail should do nail extensions. It is not harmful to the growth of the nail that already exist, but susceptible to fungal infections. So make sure to choose a place or a salon that already has a license, they usually sterilize equipment.

4. The myth is wrong nail care
Not true if the nail growth is influenced by a lack of nutrition, unless you suffer from severe malnutrition. Make sure your nutritional needs are met by eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy and protein, like fish, poultry and beans.

5. Biotin
Biotin or vitamin H, can help grow healthy nails. Not only that, Vitamin H is also good for strong hair growth. If you are pregnant, the consumption of 1 mg of biotin two or three times a day. Stock taking biotin will be felt in the nails after 6 months. However, according to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology, more than 30 percent of people managed to get healthy nails because eating biotin. Instead, consult your physician first before taking this supplement.

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